What is the Process of Offline-Conversion Ingestion?

Emailing the Ingestion File

  • Ingestion Email Address: Please contact your account manager for the ingestion email address.
  • Email Subject: Offline-Conversion Ingestion

Creating the Ingestion File

The conversion ingestion file is a “Comma-separated” CSV file with columns as defined below.  

ParameterIs Mandatory?Data TypeDetails
DateYesDateThe date on which the conversion occurred in mm/dd/yyyy
Advertiser IDYesNumberThe unique id for each advertiser is found in the console (Note: Conversions for only one advertiser are allowed in a single file).
Click IDYesTextClick ID associated with each conversion. By default, Microsoft Excel trims the Click ID. Ensure that you convert the Click ID to text. (Refer to the section below to know the process)
ConversionsYesNumberNumber of conversions to be attributed to a single Click ID
Conversion Event NoTextEvent Name for the conversion (The pixel should be set to event based in the console)
Conversion Payout NoAmountThe dollar value of the Payout received by the advertiser for the conversion/s
Conversion weight NoDecimalCan be used by the advertiser to indicate a partial conversion in a multistep conversions process. 

Sample File format

Converting Click IDs to Text

Click IDs are 30 characters long numeric text which Microsoft Excel truncates. When you share the ingestion file, ensure that the Click IDs are not truncated. You can perform the following procedure to prevent trimming of Click IDs.  

Step 1: Select the Click ID column.

Step 2: Set the number format for the Click ID column as text.

Step 3: Copy and paste the data.

Note: After emailing the conversion ingestion file, it might take 1-2 hours for those conversions to appear on the reporting interface.