What is Shared Budget?

A shared budget allows you to allocate an amount across multiple campaigns. The system will automatically adjust the budget across the campaigns and optimize against ROI. The following tables provide a quick view of individual budget compared to shared budget.

Individual Budget:

Shared Budget:

Why use a Shared Budget?

A daily budget of $100 is shared between three campaigns A, B, and C. On a given day, one campaign could get fewer impressions and clicks than usual resulting in a spend of only $20. The remaining $80 of the budget can be spent on the shared campaign which will maximize the overall campaign results.

How to Set Up a Shared Budget?

There are two ways to create a shared budget on the platform.

  • From Library: Create a new shared budget from Library > Shared Budget and attach existing campaigns.
  • While Creating/Editing the Campaign: Create a new shared budget or add an existing shared budget (if already created for the advertiser) while creating a new campaign.