How to Setup Audience Segments?

  1. Audience Segments can be viewed and edited from the Dashboard from Library > Audience Segmentation.
  1. Once you select the advertiser, you will see an existing list of segments (First and Third Party). Otherwise, you will see an option to create your first segment as shown below.
  1. Click + Create Segment.
  2. If you already have segments and want to create more, click + Add Audience Segment. You will see the following screen.

The Rule drop-down list provides the following options to set your rules:

  • Match any Rule:

The “Match any rule” option allows you to include users who met one of the criteria set by the advertiser during a specific time. For example, the inclusion of a user who added an item to the cart and made a successful payment OR a user who added an item to their wishlist in the last N days.

  • Match every rule:

Match every rule allows including users who met all the criteria set by the advertiser during a specific time. For example, female audiences in the age range 18-25 by including Demographics>Age>18-25 AND Demographics>Gender>Female.

Rules can have different scenarios depending on the use case.

  • “AND” conditions: Visitors are added to the list only if they’ve visited a page that matches all of the listed conditions.
  • “OR” conditions: Visitors are added to the list when the pages they’ve visited match any of the listed conditions.
  • Combining “AND” and “OR”: When both the conditions are combined in a rule, visitors are added to the list when the pages they’ve visited match all of the “AND” conditions and any of the “OR” conditions.

5. Recency: The lookback window in which members are added to the segment. This period should be between 15 to 90 days.

6. Add the campaigns that you want to re-target. Click Save.

How to Re-target Your Audience?

You can retarget your audience while creating a new campaign or while editing an existing campaign. The system allows you to include or exclude the following types of segments:

  • First Party Segments
  • Third-Party Segments
  • Custom Segments
  • Publisher Segments