How to Create a Spreadsheet to Import Campaigns?

The “Bulk Actions” option in the left navigation bar provides the workflow to make bulk changes to campaigns via a spreadsheet.

See What is the Process to Bulk Import campaigns?

We recommend downloading a sample spreadsheet after selecting the advertiser under import options.

If you intend to modify an existing campaign we recommend exporting the campaign and then making changes in the same file.

The table below defines the fields present in the spreadsheet

Column NameDescription
ActionAllows you to specify the action that you want to take on the current row. The available options are:

Add: To add an entity like campaign, ad group, ad or keyword

Modify: To modify an existing entity

Delete: To delete an existing entity

When adding an entity, ensure that you define the relevant entity names. For example, while adding a new ad group, ensure that you specify the CampaignName and the AdGroupName.

Note : The Action column is mandatory for all rows. If no value is specified in the Action column, then the specific row will be ignored.
EntityTypeAllows you to specify the entity type that you want to add, modify or delete. This is a mandatory column. The following are the possible values in the Entity Type

– Account Keyword
– Campaign Keyword
– Campaign
– Location Target
– Ad Schedule
– Device Target
– Domain Target
– Browser Target
– Campaign Domain Bid Modifier
– Campaign Location Bid Modifier
– Campaign Device Bid Modifier
– AdGroup
– Category
– Keyword
– Adgroup Domain Bid Modifier
– Adgroup Location Bid Modifier
– Adgroup Device Bid Modifier
– Ad

When the EntityType is “campaign”, the following are the mandatory columns:

– EntityStatus
– CampaignName
– StartDate
– DailyBudgetCampaign
– Overall BudgetCampaign
– Daily Budget

When the EntityType is AdGroup, the following are the mandatory columns:

– EntityStatus
– CampaignName
– AdGroupName
– MaxBid

When the EntityType is Ad, the following are the mandatory columns:

– EntityStatus
– CampaignName
– AdGroupName
– DestinationURL
– Title1
– Description
– DisplayURL

When the EntityType is Keyword, the following are the mandatory columns:

– CampaignName
– AdGroupName
– MatchType
EntityStatusAllows you to specify whether the entity is active or inactive. You can specify the entity status for the following entity types.

– Campaign
– Ad Group
– Keyword
– Ad

If the field is left blank, then in such an instance, the default value for this column will be Active.
CampaignIDIf you are adding a new campaign, then leave the campaign ID blank. While modifying an existing campaign, ensure that you specify the campaign ID.
AdgroupIDIf you are adding a new ad group or modifying details of an existing ad group, then specify the ad group ID in this column.
When creating a new ad group, the AdGroupID and the CampaignID are required.
AdIDIf you are adding a new ad or modifying the details of an existing ad, then specify the ad ID in this column.
If you are creating a new ad, then the AdID, AdgroupID, and CampaignID fields are required.
CampaignNameIndicates the name of the campaign that you want to create, modify, or delete.
Ensure that the campaign name is unique and within 100 characters for the advertiser account.
StartDateIf you have a set duration for the campaign, then specify the start date in this column. The date format is – yyyy-mm-dd. While specifying the start date, ensure that
– The start date is either the current date or future date;
– The start date is a previous date;
– The start date is before the end date.
EndDateIf you have a set a duration for the campaign, then specify the end date in this column. Date format is – yyyy-mm-dd
DailyBudgetIndicates the daily budget of the campaign. The value should be in USD. This field accepts either a numeric value or the text “Unlimited”.
CPAGoalIndicates the CPA goal of the campaign.
BillingTypeAllows you to specify the billing type of the campaign. If the BillingType field is left blank, then CPC is considered as the default billing type.
OverallBudgetAllows you to specify the overall budget of the campaign. This field accepts either a numeric value or the text “Unlimited”.
PacingIndicates the delivery method of the campaign. You can specify one of the following:

Standard – Spends the budget evenly throughout the day.
Accelerated – Spends the budget as soon as possible.
BudgetStartDateIf you have a set duration for the budget, then specify the start date in this column. Date format is – yyyy-mm-dd
BudgetEndDateIf you have a set duration for the budget, then specify the end date in this column. Date format is – yyyy-mm-dd
AdScheduleSpecify the schedule of the ads in the campaign. Below is an example:


If the AdSchedule field is left blank, then the system assumes all the hours of the day for the entire week.
LocationIDIndicates the location ID. Click here to view the location IDs from the location database.
LocationNameIndicates the location; this column is used for targeting the campaign to a particular geo-location. You can whitelist or blacklist a location based on the value that you specify in the TargetType column.

Ensure that you specify the appropriate location ID from the location database.
TargetTypeSpecify one of the following options if you want to include or exclude the location or the domain.

Include – To include the location or the domain.
Exclude – To exclude the location or the domain.
BidModifierIndicates the bid modifier. The value of the bid modifier can be either for a domain, location, or device.

The column accepts a decimal value between 0 to 1.
OSAllows you to specify the operating system. Following are the possible values for the operating system column:

For Desktop:
– Linux
– Macintosh
– Windows
– Others

For Smartphone and Tablet:
– Android
– iOS
– Windows
– Others
DeviceAllows you to specify the device. The possible options are:

– Desktop
– Smart Phone
– Tablet
DomainNameIndicates the domain name.
BrowserNameIndicates the browser name that you want to target. The column accepts the following browser names:

– Google Chrome
– Mozilla Firefox
– Internet Explorer
– Safari
– Others
PIDIndicates the publisher ID.
SPIDIndicates the sub-publisher ID.
SSPIDIndicates the sub-sub-publisher ID.
AdgroupNameIndicates the name of the ad group. The size limit on the adgroup name is 100 characters.
MaxBidIndicates the maximum bid.
BiddingStrategyIndicates the bid strategy type. The following are the bid strategy types:

– Manual
– Automatic

If the field is left blank, then Manual is considered as default.
CategoryIDIndicates the category ID of the relevant category.
CategoryIndicates the category name. Click here to access the category names from the category database.
KeywordAllows you to specify the keyword.
MatchTypeAllows you to specify the match type. The following options are available to specify the match type:

– Exact
– Phrase
– Broad
– Negative Exact
– Negative Phrase
KeywordUrlAllows you to specify the destination URL when the keyword is targeted. This value overrides the Ad DestinationURL.
MobileKeywordURLAllows you to specify the destination URL when the keyword is targeted for mobile traffic. This value overrides the Ad DestinationURL and the KeywordUrl.
StatusIndicates the status.
DestinationUrlIndicates the destination URL of the ad.
MobileDestinationUrlIndicates the mobile destination URL of the ad.
Title1Indicates the headline 1 value of the ad. You can specify a maximum of 200 characters (including spaces) in this column.
Title2Indicates the headline 2 value of the ad. You can specify a maximum of 200 characters (including spaces) in this column.
DescriptionIndicates the description of the ad. You can specify a maximum of 500 characters (including spaces) in this column.
DisplayUrlIndicates the display URL of the ad.
ObjectIdLeave the Object ID blank or with the pre-populated values. Do not modify the object ID.

How to bulk import location targeting?

Bulk import now allows you to do location targeting at the Country, State, City, Postal Code, and DMA level individually using an excel upload. This helps in adding/modifying/deleting multiple locations targeting in a single campaign or a set of campaigns at the same time.

Targeting LevelMandatory Columns
Country Level Targeting– Action 
– CampaignID, CampaignName
– Location Type – Country
– Target Type – Include/ Exclude 
– CountryCode – Specify the ISO code of the country that needs to be mapped to the campaign.
Example: For targeting United States use “US” in the country column
State Level Targeting– Action 
– CampaignID, CampaignName
– Location Type – State
– Target Type – Include/ Exclude 
– CountryCode State code – Specify the state ISO that needs to be mapped to the campaign
Example: For targeting New York State use “NY” in the StateCode column
City Level Targeting– Action 
– CampaignID, CampaignName
– Location Type – City
– Target Type – Include/ Exclude 
– CountryCode 
– StateCode
– City
Postal Code Targeting– Action 
– CampaignID, CampaignName
– Location Type – PostalCode
– Target Type – Include/ Exclude 
– CountryCode – Specify the ISO code of the country that needs to be mapped to the campaign.
– Postal Code – Specify the Postal Code that needs to be mapped to the campaign.
DMA Level Location Targeting– Action 
– CampaignID, CampaignName
– Location Type – DMA
– Target Type – Include/ Exclude
– DMACode – Specify the DMA Code that needs to be mapped to the campaign.


  1. Details regarding the Country, State, Postal, DMA Code, and City name can be found here.
  2. The StateCode is not mandatory but recommended during PostalCode & DMA level location targeting.