What is Server-Side Pixel Tracking?

You can optionally choose to do conversion tracking without installing the pixel. This can be done via Server-side pixel (S2S pixel) tracking.

The option is typically used when you do not have access to the source code advertiser website or for conversions that happen on 3rd party platforms (example mobile downloads on play store).

In the server-side pixels, the pixel is fired from your servers and does not need to be placed on the webpage.

Following diagram shows the flow of server-side conversion tracking.

How to Implement S2S Tracking?

  1. Go to the Advertisers tab and select the advertiser.
  2. Scroll to the URL Parameters section.
  3. Set up a tracking URL parameter for the Click ID.
  1. Click Update.
  2. A tracking parameter will be added to all the destination URLs.

Example of Tracking Parameter:

When a conversion event occurs, a postback URL will be fired from your servers.

Example of Postback URL:

Note: Change the Advertiser Key, Event name, and Click ID as per your business requirements.

What are the Postback URL Parameters?

Following are the parameters supported in the Postback URL.

Parameter NameMandatoryDescription
eventYesIt contains the event name for all the actions where the conversion pixel is placed.
weightNoThe conversion weight can have any value between 0-1.
cidYesThis parameter must contain the click Id generated on ad clicks.
pyNoIf you have a variable payout offer, pass the payout value of each conversion in this parameter.
akeyYesThe advertiser key unique to your account and shall be provided by your account manager.
datetimeNoThe Date and Time at which the call was made for the conversion. Note that this time will be considered in UTC.
Sample Format: 
&datetime=2020-12-22T05:10:30ZWhere Z means UTC.