What is a Native Campaign?

A Native campaign allows you to create ads that imitate the look and feel of the publisher’s website. 

These ads will be displayed in the website’s native styling. It is a non-intrusive ad and doesn’t interfere with the audiences’ experience.

Why Native Campaigns?

Native campaigns offer the flexibility to target users at various points in their purchasing journey. Upper funnel goals like creating awareness, generating interest, encouraging consideration, and intent generally work well with native campaigns. However, with our enhanced targeting capabilities even purchase and conversion goals work well with our native offering.

These campaigns are more effective than traditional display ads because they are better received by the audience. They do not disrupt the flow of user experience on a website and their visual aspects attract more customers- one reason. Native ads act as an excellent tool for brand awareness.

Furthermore, since these ads have the look and feel of the publisher’s website, they do not look out of place and are relevant to the content present on the page. As a result, a higher volume of customers engages with these ads than display. 

Note: Paid campaigns perform better when search ads are used in conjunction with Native ads.

Elements of Native Ads:

Sr. No.Name of the ElementDescription
1.Destination URLURL of the page the advertiser wants their audience to redirect. It is a mandatory field.
2.Display URLURL displayed in the ad copy. It can be similar to the destination URL or the URL of the homepage. It is a mandatory field.
3.TitleTitle of the ad. It is a mandatory field.
4.Sponsored By Lets the visitor know who is the advertiser in the ad. It is a mandatory field.
5.DescriptionA brief description of the products and services.
6.Call To ActionThe call to action button for engaging users with the ad.